Do you need to buy Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab? Then, Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab is the most popular product in Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab category. Do not miss to get special discount for a limited period of up to 73% for this product.
Here are the description of Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab
Pwr+ Platinum Guarantee
* Pwr+ products are CE/FCC/RoHS certified.
* Warranty: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee / 1 Year - Free Exchange (Pwr+ pays for shipping) / Please contact us with any questions or concerns - we are here to help! (Phone service is available)
* Products trademarked Pwr+® are marketed and sold exclusively by Pwr+. We focus on providing quality power products and excellent customer service ... and we also ship your order the same or next day (Amazon order processing time varies) !
Computing power is never far away when you've got a Pwr+® AC adapter specially designed and tested to meet the power needs of your tablet.The adapter converts AC power into DC power required by the tablet. It lets you operate your system or charge your tablet's battery from electrical power outlets. Pwr+® adapter proves to be an optimized portable power source wherever you are - at home, in remote office or on the road. This product has been tested and validated to ensure it will work with your tablet.
See the complete features and specifications Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab
- Input Voltage Range: AC 100V - 240V / Power Output: 5V 2A (Fast Charge) / Total Cord Length of the Ac Adapter Is Extended to 6.5 ft (Competitor's Products are 3-4 Ft)! / Car Charger Cord Length is 5.5 Ft
- Pwr+ ac/dc adapters manufactured with the highest quality materials and include safeguard features against incorrect voltage, short circuit, internal overheating. 100% compatibility with the original.
- Pwr+ products are CE/FCC/RoHS certified, tested by manufacturer to match and/or exceed specifications of OEM products.
- Warranty: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee / 1 Year - Free Exchange (Pwr+ pays for shipping) / Please contact us with any questions or concerns - we are here to help! (Phone service is available)
- Products trademarked Pwr+® are marketed and sold exclusively by Pwr+. We focus on providing quality power products and excellent customer service ... and we also ship your order the same or next day (Amazon order processing time varies) !
We have found pros and cons of the product. But overall it is a top product and we are well recommended! But if you want to want to learn more details about this product, so read the reports of those who have already used it.
As Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab is one of the bestselling Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab category available in the market today, you can compare online and offline store it easily. You can also see this product in Best Buy, Walmart, Costco, Ebay and Amazon. But we recommend you buy from Amazon online store. Why? 3 reasons: price, delivery and after sales .
Price : Amazon gives you the lowest price guarantee for Pwr+ Extra Long Cord 2 in 1 Combo 2a Rapid Ac Adapter Car Charger for Barnes & Noble Nook Wi-fi Color Digital the Simple Touch Reader Tablet Tab. You can ask for refund if you find lower price elsewhere after purchasing this product. They also give special discount for a limited period of up to 73%.
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List Price: $ 29.90

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